Text annotation
NLP and Text Annotation

To make your model more useful for NLP and machine learning, labeling and categorizing natural language data such as text, speech, or documents by Dodeed AI.

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Name Entity Recognition(NER)

Name Entity Recognition(NER)

Named Entity Recognition-NER is a process where an algorithm takes a string of text as input and identifies relevant nouns that are mentioned in that string.

  • Extract Structure from Unstructured Text Data
  • Powering Content Recommendations: automating the recommendation process
  • Leverage AI Support: NER can help power chatbots and enable chatbots to answer questions on recognized entities

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis may be a natural processing technique want to determine whether data is positive, negative, or neutral.

  • Target individuals to improve their service
  • Brand monitoring: Analysis consumer's reviews, comments and conversations for particular products on social media.
  • Competitive Research: Track and research how society evaluates competitors just as you analyze their attitude towards your business.

Sentiment analysis
OCR annotation


An Optical Character Recognition-OCR can detect and extract text from images.

  • Banking: Process and verify paperwork for loan documents, deposit checks, and other financial transactions
  • Healthcare: process patient records, including treatments, tests, hospital records, and insurance payments
  • Logistic: Extract package labels, invoices, receipts, and other documents more efficiently.
  • And more..

Image annotation portfolio

Text Annotated

1 M+





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67 %

Text classification

Classification and categorization

Text classification also known as text tagging or text categorization is the process of categorizing text into organized groups.

  • Detecting urgent issues from social media and forums
  • Automating customer support processes
  • Listening to voice of customer to analyze survey results to discover patterns and insights from text

Information extraction

Information extraction can be applied to find out the actual text or group of text from emails, web pages, documents, conversations, paragraphs, scientific papers, etc.

  • NER identifies entities such as people, locations, organizations, dates, etc. from the text.
  • Healthcare: Management structuring and summarizing patients records
  • Business: For enabling analysts to gather structured information from multiple sources
  • And more..

Information extraction

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